Child advocates from around the globe are expressing outrage over world governments' continued failures to protect millions of defenseless children targeted for criminal abduction each year by monsters who facilitate the unforgiving crimes of internationally abducting or trafficking children. International border-crossing policies often do not mandate that children traveling abroad present a valid passport to border agents if a child is traveling by land or sea. When a child is stolen and illegally removed from their country of origin by either a non-stranger such as a parent, or is a victim of a stranger abduction, that child has been criminally kidnapped. The traumatic consequences placed on the kidnapped child are severe. The majority of these defenseless victims will never recover from the physical and emotional abuse directed toward them. Some of these children are unable to recover: they are lost forever. Presently, international air travel by a minor requires the presentation of a valid passport. However, many nations including the United States permit the submission of a photocopy of a child’s citizenship papers such as a photocopy of a birth certificate as an acceptable travel document for a minor age 16 or younger when traveling abroad by land or sea.

Unquestionably, lax and reckless travel document policy requirements associated with minors traveling by land or by sea have created a colossal legal loophole - a black hole - for child-thieves and smugglers to criminally transport and remove targeted children from one country to another until they are inevitably gone forever. Undeniably, by the sheer size of the pandemic at hand, predators are utilizing these legal loopholes in alarming, yet relatively immeasurable numbers.
Inconceivably, many countries including the United States, Canada, and nations in the European Union have policies in place that allow for a child 16 years old or younger traveling abroad by either land or by sea to only present to border officials a photocopy of their proof of citizenship such as their original birth certificate.
Child abduction prevention advocates and researchers Carolyn Ann Vlk and Peter Thomas Senese, have previously published several landmark reports including 'International Child Abduction and Human Trafficking In The Western Hemisphere' and 'Crisis In America: International Parental Child Abduction Today'. They are currently leading a research team that will publish findings on the global epidemic of child abduction and child trafficking as it relates to legal loopholes and other related flaws associated with a child’s international travel documentation requirements. The highly anticipated report titled ‘Global Child Slavery and International Child Abduction Associated With Travel Documentation Requirements' will be released in mid-July, 2011.
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Chasing The Cyclone by Peter Thomas Senese |
‘Chasing The Cyclone’ author and child advocate Peter Thomas Senese commented, “It is disturbing to realize that various governments from around the world have turned their responsible eyes away from the most often used illegal border-crossing strategies implemented by predators involved in international abduction as well as in the trafficking of children: illegally transporting a child into a country by land or by sea using fraudulent documentation due to a senseless policy often implemented stipulating that a child does not need to present a valid passport at a border-crossing unless the child travels abroad by air. This is insane. Our children demand more from each of us. Any international travel documentation policy that does not include a child being required to travel with a valid passport is a policy that does not address the issues of the safety of children. The upcoming report ‘Global Child Slavery and International Child Abduction Associated With Travel Documentation Requirements' will not only demonstrate how outlandish these non-passport requirement policies are, but hopefully it will also educate judges, law enforcement, and policymakers about just how critical and widespread these issues are. Having such laws in place will also give judges and law enforcement personnel additional tools they need to prevent the kidnapping of a child before it occurs, as once the removal takes place, it is that much more difficult and expensive to remedy.”
In fact, many governments' immigration, borders, and customs agencies publicly and privately have voiced that excessive travel documentation fraud has given rise to dramatic and sweeping increases in the number of international child abductions and human trafficking cases around the world. According to law enforcement officials worldwide, the most effective means to determine if a child is legally traveling abroad is by checking the child’s passport. Nevertheless, even the presentation of a valid passport may not alleviate all illegal removals, particularly those connected to an international parental child abduction due to the potential issuance of a secondary passport related to a child’s possible dual citizenship. However, access to real-time government records associated with a valid passport provides border agents better insight into who is legally crossing into their nation's borders.

Unquestionably, travel documentation requirements that do not require a child to present a valid passport when traveling abroad by land or by sea have created a worldwide malignant epidemic that continues to destroy millions of lives each year. This plague is so wicked and ubiquitous that it is often acknowledged by governments and leading human rights advocates around the world as one of society’s greatest shortcomings. Undoubtedly, there is no one solution; however, it is evident to those familiar with international child abduction and human trafficking that one sure-fire way to turn the tide against the most evil of fates awaiting innocent children targeted for international abduction is to mandate that every child traveling abroad present a valid passport.

Carolyn Ann Vlk, drafter of the State of Florida’s landmark ‘Child Abduction Prevention Act’ and co-author of numerous research reports on child abduction commented on the need to conduct research on the global dilemma of abduction and trafficking as it is related to significant gaps in travel documentation requirements for children traveling abroad. “My volunteer advocacy in the area of child abduction prevention has allowed me an unobstructed view of the horror the families of a targeted child face. I've spent an incredible amount of time investigating and analyzing current legislation, policies, and trends relevant to child abduction and I have uncovered significant loopholes that are allowing children to be victimized through parental child abduction and human trafficking. In the report Peter Thomas Senese and I published concerning the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), we realize the policy was intended to prevent abduction and trafficking from occurring but in reality it facilitates the cross border abduction of children through its deficiencies. WHTI allows for the travel requirements of children to vary depending on if they are traveling by land, sea or air. In our upcoming report titled ‘Global Child Slavery and International Child Abduction Associated With Travel Documentation Requirements' we will publish our findings concerning travel documentation issues as they relate to child abduction and slavery issues. Our future published findings will demonstrate the urgent and critical need for uniform travel requirements for children, including a passport requirement for all modes of travel. Without uniform passport requirements, society will continue to embrace child abduction and child trafficking, and this is completely unacceptable.”

Oslo based Martin Waage, the Director of ABP World Group: a world-renown investigation and security team that has remarkably been directly involved in safely recovering over 200 criminally internationally abducted children commented on the outrageous border-crossing situation. "The expanding number of criminally abducted and trafficked children presents a deeply disturbing overview of how severe the situation is. Tragically, the greatest challenge we face in the war against child abduction and trafficking is our inability to carefully monitor and control our borders. Most nations do not have border exit controls. Coupling this incapability with weak travel documentation requirements for children, the hope advocates like myself have to one day reverse the current growth trend is dismal. As one of the leading organizations operating within the recovery of abducted, missing, and kidnapped children, ABP World Group has for years seen an explosive increase in the number of abducted and kidnapped children worldwide. Individual countries' lack of regulation and inspection of travelers, including the European Union’s open borders, has facilitated a large flow of trafficked victims, children abducted by their parents, and kidnappings across borders. This is particularly true in Eastern European, Asian and African countries. In order to stop the destruction of an unthinkable number of children's lives, lawmakers in all countries must address these needs and create laws that protect children's rights, including, critically, changing the travel documentation requirements for all children traveling abroad to include the presentation of a valid passport at all border crossings. Having recovered a substantial number of criminally abducted children taken to and from all over the world, I cannot express in strong enough terms the need to have passports presented at all border crossings for minors traveling abroad. Any failure by governments to address this issue is a direct and absolute disregard to a nation’s most precious citizens: its children."
Janice L. Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs stated in the ‘Report on Compliance with the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction’ previously submitted to the U.S. Congress that "Unfortunately, current trends reflect a steady increase in the number of international parental child abduction cases and highlight the urgency of redoubling efforts to promote compliance with Convention obligations and encourage additional nations to join the Convention." She also writes, "Very few options exist for parents and children who are victims of parental child abduction."

Florida lawyer Patricia Lee, a prominent, successful international family law attorney who is of counsel to the international law firm of Urban Thier Federer & Jackson, and who has substantial familiarity with international parental child abduction cases added, “As a family law practitioner who frequently deals with international issues, I see the risk of, and actual incidences of child abduction growing proportionately to our world shrinking. The failure, or inability, of courts to aggressively pursue reasonable precautions to proactively prevent such abductions is a crime in and of itself. Once an abduction has taken place, the left behind parent faces a morass of legal issues that are not only difficult to surmount due to language and cultural differences, but are also prohibitively expensive for the ordinary parent. The backlash is often permanent, and goes without any redress at all. Our best recourse is to prevent the removal of children at risk prior to it occurring, and we absolutely must have laws and procedures in place that allow us to do so. Anything less is simply irresponsible, and inhumane on a global scale. Children across the world deserve these simple safeguards from such abduction and victimization.”
Ernie Allen, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children previously addressed the crimes against children when he said, "The problem of missing, abducted, trafficked and sexually exploited children is large, growing, under-recognized and under-reported." In addition, Mr. Allen commented that, "Children are the leading victims of violent and personal crimes in this country, victimized at a rate twice as high as the general population." Continuing he stated, “Children are the single most victimized segment of our population. Even with all of the progress we have made, most Americans still don’t understand that basic fact. According to Justice Department research, more than 2,000 children will be reported missing in the United States today!" Mr. Allen added, "The numbers are staggering. The tragedies continue and too many children do not make it home."

San Francisco based Gloria Nyberg, who has dedicated several decades of her life to successfully and safely bringing home children criminally abducted abroad added, “Documentation falsifications is a consistent aspect of travel for children being transported from one country to another, particularly in South and Central America. Children disappear daily, where they are eventually sold and distributed around the world to beasts trading in the child sex slave industry, to drug dealers increasing their cartel’s presence, or are simply killed for their body organs. Without upholding passport travel requirements for children traveling from one country to another, we are in fact responsible for the monumental problem on our hands that has been partially created by our own failures to protect our children. It is time that we act responsibly as adult citizens charged with protecting innocent children. Indeed, we have an obligation to do our very best to prevent the facilitation of international abduction and child slavery. It is critical that each government adopt a passport-only travel documentation policy for children traveling abroad. Anything less than this is irresponsible.”

Pamela Michell, the remarkable founder of Survivor On A Mission and a leading global advocate spearheading public awareness of human trafficking and slavery issues stated, “Today, there are tens of millions of child slaves with no hope for a future. Kept silent through fraud, force or coercion, children around the world are stolen from their communities in epidemic proportion. Most are forced into slave labor, some caged for sexual exploitation, others await the harvesting of their vital organs, while others abducted live a life on the run...each enduring trauma and danger few will overcome. Strong action is needed now by all governments to protect our children’s' future. Critically we call upon the creation and enforcement of global laws that require a passport to be presented any time a minor travels abroad. Without this, the massive amount of travel documentation fraud that exists today that accounts for an inconceivable and incredulous number of innocent children to be targeted victims of abduction and slavery crimes will continue to rise. As global citizens, we demand more from our governments. Our children expect better from each of us."
International child trafficking and child abduction continues to grow at rapid, uncontrollable, and extraordinary rates. Alarmingly, there still remain achievable protective protocols that can substantially make a difference in the war against child abduction and slavery. One of the most important tools each nation has available to combat the evil of child abduction is to require all children to present a valid passport when traveling abroad. Peter Thomas Senese added, “What is at stake are the lives of millions of targeted children each year. Simply put, we must modify existing laws to include passport presentation for all travelers abroad regardless of age.”